An overview of most common error messages in DPD Shipper and their solution.

  1. Introduction

    In DPD Shipper you’ll run into an error message every now and then. On this page you’ll find some useful information about the next steps you can take to resolve the error. We’ll provide solutions, e-mail addresses, phone numbers and external links to help you resolve the error.

  2. ZIP Codes / Postal Codes

    In this section you’ll find solutions and helpful information about error messages related to ZIP codes/postal codes.

    English Error Dutch Error Solution / Next Steps
    “The zip code is invalid. Check the postal code via the websites of national postal services and adjust it”.

    Or similar

    “De postcode is ongeldig. Controleer de postcode en pas deze aan.
    Kijk voor meer informatie over het controleren van de postcode en bruikbare links op het kennisportaal”.Of vergelijkbaar
    Check the zip code via the website of national postal services and adjust it.
    (Google Maps is not a source that is reliable).

    Links to check zip codes:

  3. Services / Options (Routing)

    In this section you’ll find solutions and helpful information about error messages related to services, options and routing.

    English Error Dutch Error Solution / Next Steps
    “Routing not possible” / “R2Route”

    Or similar

    “De gekozen service / optie is niet mogelijk op het adres van de ontvanger. Kies een andere service en/of optie en probeer de verzendorder nogmaals op te slaan. Als geen van de gekozen services werkt, dan kunnen we helaas niet leveren op het gekozen adres”.

    Of vergelijkbaar

    DPD works with a routing table where it is predefined which service is allowed for which address. So there is a chance that the chosen service and/or option in combination with the chosen address is not possible.

    To solve this error you can choose a different service or option. In our Service Finder you can find services available per country. For example, in a lot of cases, the service ‘International Express’ would work for your destination.

    If none of the services work, then we are not able to deliver on the chosen address

    “Bad service. When service configuration does not exist for a given request code, or service is disabled”.

    Or similar

    “De gekozen service bestaat niet of is niet actief in uw configuratie. Kijk op het kennisportaal voor beschikbare services of vraag uw salescontactpersoon of de gekozen service geactiveerd kan worden”.

    Of vergelijkbaar

    Available services (API) can be found here. Search for <product> to find the available services.

    In case the chosen service is correct, but does not work, please ask your sales person if the service can be activated:
    Northern region:
    Western region:
    Southern region:

  4. Email Address / Phone Number

    In this section you’ll find solutions and helpful information about error messages related to email addresses and phone numbers.

    English Error Dutch Error Solution / Next Steps
    “The email address is invalid”.

    Or similar

    “Het e-mailadres is ongeldig. Controleer het e-mailadres. Het e-mailadres dient aangepast te worden om de verzendorder aan te maken. Kijk voor meer informatie over het valideren van het e-mailadres op het kennisportaal”.

    Of vergelijkbaar

    When the email address is invalid, you can check the email address using an email address verifier. One of the tools that can be used is

    To continue saving and/or printer the order, the email address needs to be changed.

    “The phone number is invalid”.

    Or similar

    “Het telefoonnummer is ongeldig. Controleer of het telefoonnummer het juiste aantal cijfers heeft en of er gebruik is gemaakt van de correcte landcode. Het telefoonnummer dient aangepast te worden om de verzendorder aan te maken”.

    Of vergelijkbaar

    Check if you selected the correct prefix country for the phone number added to the shipment order. If needed, select the same country in the phone number prefix as the country that has been selected in the address of the recipient.
  5. API Authentication Token

    In this section you’ll find solutions and helpful information about error messages related to API authentication token.

    English Error Dutch Error Solution / Next Steps
    “Authentication token is incorrect / has expired”.

    Or similar

    “Het verificatietoken is onjuist / verlopen. Controleer de token of genereer een nieuw token in de ‘Login Service’. Kijk voor meer informatie op het kennisportaal”.

    Of vergelijkbaar

    When the token is incorrect, please verify if the token generated in the Login Service is correctly used in the service you are using. You can always generate a new token in the Login Service to use in the other API services. When your token has expired, you always need to generate a new token in the Login Service.
  6. End of Parcel Number Range

    In this section you’ll find solutions and helpful information about error messages related to your parcel number range.

    English Error Dutch Error Solution / Next Steps
    “There is no free parcel number within your parcel number ranges”.

    Or similar

    “Er is geen pakketnummer vrij binnen je pakketreeks. Vraag een nieuwe reeks aan via uw salescontactpersoon. Kijk op het kennisportaal voor de contactgegevens”.

    Of vergelijkbaar

    When there is no free parcel number available in your parcel number range, contact your sales person for a new parcel number range:
    Northern region:
    Western region:
    Southern region:
  7. Other Error Messages

    In this section you’ll find solutions and helpful information about error messages related that are less common, but still require attention.

    Error Subject English Error Dutch Error Solution / Next Steps
    “No Sending Depot” “Sending depot is not known”.

    Or similar

    Er is geen depot beschikbaar voor de verzender. Neem contact op met CustomerIT.

    Of vergelijkbaar

    We don’t have an immediate solution for this. Contact CustomerIT, so that they can investigate the situation. Please include all relevant information in your email like address details (street, city, postal code, country) of the sender and receiver.
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