On this page you will find developer information about the Shipment Service. It shows all available Shipment Service fields/parameters with the possible values and an explanation of the field.
Shipment Service (Parameters)
The shipment service is used to generate parcel labels. A request to the shipment service will only succeed with an active authentication token. This unique token can be generated in the login service. The token will be valid for 24 hours. Please store it for that time.
This page focus on the developer documentation for the Shipment Service. The information on this page is based on the ‘Shipment Service (Request)‘ page. This page has the same structure as that page. But this page will also show additional options for each segment.
The order of parameter fields on this page, is also the order of the parameters in your request.
On this page there are no request examples. Those can be found on ‘Shipment Service (Request)‘.
- Live: https://wsshipper.dpd.nl/soap/WSDL/ShipmentServiceV35.wsdl
- Stage: https://shipperadmintest.dpd.nl/PublicAPI/WSDL/ShipmentServiceV35.wsdl
Labels generated on the STAGE environment are not valid and may not be used for live shipments.
Basic Request
As mentioned in the introduction, this page follows the same structure as the ‘Shipment Service (Request)‘ page. Therefore, we start with the parameters of the sections within the Basic Request. This includes all available other parameters.
Authentication Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description delisId xs:string Yes minLength:8 maxLength:10 The delis user id for authentication. authToken xs:string Yes minLength:0 maxLength:64 The token for authentication. Field authToken of Login, as a result of Method “getAuth” of LoginService. messageLanguage xs:string Yes length:5 The language for messages.
“nl_NL” for Dutch messages.
“en_US” for English messages.
Print Options SectionField Data Type Mandatory Range Description printerLanguage xs:string Yes PDF
ZPLThe language in which the parcel labels should be returned. PDF as file output, ZPL for direct printing. In any case the output is base64 encoded. paperFormat xs:string Yes A4
A7Declares the paper format for parcel label print, either “A4” or “A6”. For direct printing the format has to be set to “A6”. “A7” only for return labels, other type are not allowed. startPosition xs:string No UPPER_LEFT
LOWER_RIGHTStart position for print on A4 paper. printerResolution xs:double No Defines resolution of the ZPL printer in DPI units.
General Shipment Data SectionField Data Type Mandatory Range Description mpsCustomer
Number1xs:string No maxLength:35 Consignment customer reference number 1. mpsCustomer
Number2xs:string No maxLength:35 Consignment customer reference number 2. mpsCustomer
Number3xs:string No maxLength:35 Consignment customer reference number 3. mpsCustomer
Number4xs:string No maxLength:35 Consignment customer reference number 4. sendingDepot xs:string Yes length:4 Sending depot for consignment. 4 alphanumeric places, including leading zeros, e.g. 0522. product xs:string Yes B2B
B2CTyreSelection of product, exactly one per shipment, mandatory for consignment data. Which values are needed can be found here.
Sender & Recipient SectionField Data Type Mandatory Range Description name1 xs:string Yes maxLength:35 Name of address owner. name2 xs:string No maxLength:35 Name2 of address owner. street xs:string Yes maxLength:35 Street of address owner. houseNo xs:string No maxLength:8 House number of address owner. street2 xs:string No maxLength:35 Street2 of address owner. Can be used to specify building, apartment or door. state xs:string No length:2 US only! State of address owner in ISO 3166-2 code. country xs:string Yes length:2 Country of address owner in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. zipCode xs:string Yes maxLength:9 Zip code of address owner. Without spaces or dashes. city xs:string Yes maxLength:35 City/town of address owner. type xs:string No maxLength:1 B = Business
P = Privatecontact xs:string No maxLength:35 Contact person of address owner. phone xs:string No* maxLength:30 Phone number of address owner. No required data format.
*Either phone or email is mandatory.email xs:string No* maxLength:50 Email address of address owner.
*Either phone or email is mandatory.comment xs:string No maxLength:70 Comment on address owner.
Parcels SectionField Data Type Mandatory Range Description customer
Number1xs:string No maxLength:35 Parcel customer reference number 1.
This reference is used in DPD Insights.customer
Number2xs:string No maxLength:35 Parcel customer reference number 2.
This reference is used in DPD Insights.customer
Number3xs:string No maxLength:35 Parcel customer reference number 3. customer
Number4xs:string No maxLength:35 Parcel customer reference number 4. volume xs:int No maxInclusive:
999999999Volume of the single parcel (length/width/height in format LLLWWWHHH) in cm without separators.
Information about maximum volume.weight xs:int Yes maxInclusive:
3150Parcel weight in decagrams units without decimal delimiter (e.g. 300 equals 3kg).
Information about maximum weight.
Product & Service Data SectionField Data Type Mandatory Range Description orderType xs:string Yes consignment Defines the shipment type. -
DPD Classic (101/136)
The service DPD Classic has two service codes:
- 101 – DPD Classic Normal Parcel
- 136 – DPD Classic Small Parcel
See our information page ‘Parcel Measurements & Weight’ for more information about normal and small parcels.
There are no changes or additions to the parameters of the Basic Request. -
DPD Home (327/328)
The service DPD Home has two service codes:
- 327 – DPD Home Normal Parcel
- 328 – DPD Home Small Parcel
See our information page ‘Parcel Measurements & Weight’ for more information about normal and small parcels.
There are no changes or additions to the parameters of the Basic Request. -
DPD ParcelLetter (154)
The service DPD ParcelLetter has one service code:
- 154 – DPD ParcelLetter
See our information page ‘Parcel Measurements & Weight’ for more information about DPD ParcelLetter.
There are no changes or additions to the parameters of the Basic Request. -
DPD 2Shop (337/338)
The service DPD 2Shop has two service codes:
- 337 – DPD 2Shop Normal Parcel
- 338 – DPD 2Shop Small Parcel
See our information page ‘Parcel Measurements & Weight’ for more information about normal and small parcels and measeruments for Parcelshops.
Within the<productAndServiceData>
section – below<orderType>
-, the<parcelShopDelivery>
section should be added.Parcel Shop Delivery Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description parcelShopId xs:string Yes length:9 Parcel shop ID for parcel shop delivery.
Can be retrieved from the ParcelShopFinder Service.channel xs:int Yes 1
3Defines channel of notification. Possible values are:
1 = Email
2 = Telephone
3 = SMSvalue xs:string Yes maxLength:50 Value for the chosen channel, e.g. the phone number or the email address. No required data format for the phone number. language xs:string Yes length:2 Language of the notification in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. -
DPD Shop Return (332)
The service DPD Shop Return has one service code:
- 332 – DPD Shop Return
See our information page ‘Parcel Measurements & Weight’ for more information about measeruments for Parcelshops.
Within the<parcels>
section – below<weight>
with value ‘true’ should be added.Parcels Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description returns xs:boolean No true
falseDefines if parcel is a return parcel. The return parcel must be the only parcel or be next in order to the corresponding outbound parcel. Default value is false. This means that you don’t have to reverse the
sections. The system does that for you. So the<sender>
section contains your details and the<receiver>
section contains the detials of your customer. -
DPD Saturday Delivery (103/358)
The service DPD Saturday Delivery has two service codes:
- 103- DPD Saturday Delivery B2B
- 358 – DPD Saturday Delivery B2C
Within the<productAndServiceData>
section – below<orderType>
with value ‘true’ should be added.Product & Service Data Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description saturdayDelivery xs:boolean No true
falseDefines if saturday delivery is demanded. Default value is false. -
DPD Time Definite (155/179/225/350)
The service DPD Time Definite has four service codes:
- 350 – DPD 08:30 (E830)
- 179 – DPD 10:00 (E10)
- 225 – DPD 12:00 (E12)
- 155 – DPD Guarantee (E18)
There are no changes or additions to the parameters of the Basic Request. -
DPD Tyre (365/366)
The service DPD Tyre has two service codes:
- 365- DPD Tyre B2B
- 366 – DPD Tyre B2C
There are no changes or additions to the parameters of the Basic Request. -
Collection Request
With a Collection Request, you can request a driver to pickup parcels from a third party address to ship a parcel back to you or to a custom recipient.
This is not the way to arrange a pickup at your pickup address. For that, go to ’17. Pickup Orders’.Before we look into the changes of the request, it is important to know the different address types within the request.
: This is your address as a customer of DPD. This address is not the address where the parcel needs to be picked up.<recipient>
: This is the address where the parcel will be delivered. It can be your address or another address of your choice.<collectionRequestAddress>
: This is the address where the driver will pick up the parcel. The driver will bring the label himself and attach it to the parcel at pickup.
Within the<parcels>
section – below<weight>
can be added.Parcels Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description printInfo1
OnParcelLabelxs:boolean No true
falseDetermines if content of parameter info1 will be added on the label of a collection request parcel. info1 xs:string No maxLength:30 Information text 1. Will be printed on the parcel label if the flag printInfo1OnParcellabel is set to true.
Within the<productAndServiceData>
section, change the<orderType>
value to ‘collection request order’.Product & Service Data Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description orderType xs:string Yes collection request order Defines the shipment type.
, the<pickup>
section should be added.Pickup Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description quantity xs:int Yes maxInclusive:
99999Quantity of pickup parcels. date xs:int Yes YYYYMMDD Pickup date in collection requests. day xs:int Yes maxInclusive:6 Pickup day of week for collection requests. Allowed values are 0..6 (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.). fromTime1 xs:int No maxInclusive:
2400From time 1 for collection requests. Format is hhmm. toTime1 xs:int No maxInclusive:
2400Until time 1 for collection requests. Format is hhmm. fromTime2 xs:int No maxInclusive:
2400From time 2 for collection requests. Format is hhmm. toTime2 xs:int No maxInclusive:
2400Until time 2 for collection requests. Format is hhmm.
Within the<pickup>
section, the<collectionRequestAddress>
section should be added.Collection Request Address Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description name1 xs:string Yes maxLength:35 Name of address owner. name2 xs:string No maxLength:35 Name2 of address owner. street xs:string Yes maxLength:35 Street of address owner. houseNo xs:string No maxLength:8 House number of address owner. street2 xs:string No maxLength:35 Street2 of address owner. Can be used to specify building, apartment or door. country xs:string Yes length:2 Country of address owner in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. zipCode xs:string Yes maxLength:9 Zip code of address owner. Without spaces or dashes. city xs:string Yes maxLength:35 City/town of address owner. contact xs:string No maxLength:35 Contact person of address owner. phone xs:string No* maxLength:30 Phone number of address owner. No required data format.
*Either phone or email is mandatory.email xs:string No* maxLength:40 Email address of address owner.
*Either phone or email is mandatory.comment xs:string No maxLength:70 Comment on address owner.
Important (!) You can develop and test this functionality on the stage environment. Do not use this functionality on the live environment before DPD Customer IT validated your test on the stage environment. Collection requests on the live environment will be executed and you will be invoiced for the costs, regardless of your testing purposes.Other things to take into account:
- The response will not return anything except for a
. - No printable confirmation will be generated.
- A request is definitive and will be charged by invoice if accepted by the API, even if the request has wrong or incomplete data.
- Orders must be entered before 22h00 to be executed the next business day.
- Contact our Customer Service to cancel/modify your Collection Request manually, before 22h00 of the day the order was placed.
Instead of the regular label, it is also possible to create an e-label (PNG image). The DPD e-label is a digital QR code. This QR code can be scanned at a DPD parcel point, where the label is printed.
Important (!) DPD only makes the label available. It is your own responsibility to ensure that the label is distributed to the your customer.To implement and use the new E-Label service, it is required to upgrade to ShipmentService 3.5.
Within the<printOptions>
section – below<paperFormat>/<printerResolution>
-, the<dropOffType>
section should be added.Print Options Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description dropOffType xs:string No BOTH
FULL_LABELDefines if an E-Label (PNG), PDF or both is required.
FULL_LABEL = PDF(!)Available in endpoint 3.5.
International Shipments
International shipments are shipments to non-EU countries like Norway, Switzerland, UK and Liechtenstein, but also exceptional areas like Canary Islands, Åland Islands, Campione d’Italia and Lake Lugano. This type of shipment is applicable to any available service for the chosen destination.
Within the<sender>
must be added as a separate value below<street>
. See the parameters of the Basic Request.Within the
must be added below
<email> / <comment>
.Sender & Recipient Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description eoriNumber xs:string No* maxLength:20 *If sender or receiver is a business, then either EORI or vatNumber is mandatory.
For UK: The receiver EORI number field is always mandatory. For a B2C shipment, fill in the sender EORI number, since B2C receivers don’t have an EORI number.vatNumber xs:string No* maxLength:20 *If sender or receiver is a business, then either EORI or vatNumber is mandatory.
For UK: The receiver VAT number field is always mandatory. For a B2C shipment, fill in the sender VAT number, since B2C receivers don’t have a VAT number.
Within the<sender>
must be added below<vatNumber>
.Sender Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description destinationCountry
Registrationxs:string No* maxLength:15 *HMRC number of the sender. Mandatory if value of goods meets HMRC requirements. UK only.
Within the<parcels>
section, an<international>
section must be added below<weight>
.International Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description parcelType xs:boolean Yes false Always set this value to false. customsAmount xs:long Yes maxInclusive:
99999999Defines the customs amount in total without decimal separator (e.g. value 12345678 = 123456.78). customsCurrency xs:string Yes length:3 Currency code in ISO 4217 alpha-3 format. customsAmountEx xs:long Yes maxInclusive:
99999999Defines the customs amount in total without decimal separator (e.g. value 12345678 = 123456.78). You can repeat what you put in <customsAmount>
.customsCurrencyEx xs:string Yes length:3 Currency code in ISO 4217 alpha-3 format.. Currency for conversion. You can repeat what you put in <customsCurrency>
.clearanceCleared xs:string Yes length:1 Always set this value to N. prealertStatus xs:string Yes length:3 Always set this value to S03 exportReason xs:string Yes length:2 Reason for export.
01: sale
02: return/replacement
03: giftcustomsTerms
Non UKxs:string Yes length:2 Declares the customs terms. Possible values are:
01: DAP (Delivered At Place), Cleared. Handling cost charged to shipper, duties & taxes charged to recipient
02: DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), duties paid and taxes unpaid
03: DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), duties and taxes paid
05: Ex Works (EXW)
06: DAP (Delivered At Place / DAP NP), handling cost, duties & taxes charged to recipientcustomsTerms
UK Onlyxs:string Yes length:2 Declares the customs terms. Possible values are:
06: DAP (Delivered At Place / DAP NP), handling cost, duties & taxes charged to recipient
07: DDP (Delivered Duty Paid / DAP DP), duty paid, tax paid, only applicable for UKcustomsContent xs:string Yes maxLength:35 Describes the content of the parcel. customsPaper xs:string No maxLength:20 Lists the accompanying documents. The values are to be combined without separator (e.g. “ABG”).
Following values are defined:
A: commercial invoice
B: pro forma invoice
C: export declaration
G: delivery note
H: third party billing
I: T1 documentcustomsEnclosure xs:boolean No true
falseDefines if the accompanying documents are at the parcel or not. Default value is false. customsInvoice xs:string Yes maxLength:20 Defines the invoice number. customsInvoice
Datexs:int Yes YYYYMMDD Defines the invoice date. customsAmount
Parcelxs:long No maxInclusive:
99999999Defines the value of the entire parcel without decimal separator (e.g. value 12345678 = 123456.78). linehaul xs:string No length:2 Defines mode of line haul.
AI: air
RO: roadshipMrn xs:string No maxLength:20 Movement reference number of the electronical export declaration. collectiveCustoms
Clearancexs:boolean No true
falseFlag for determining collective customs clearance. Default value is false. comment1 xs:string No maxLength:70 First comment about your shipment comment2 xs:string No* maxLength:70 Second comment about your shipment. *Mandatory if value of goods meets HMRC requirements. HMRC number of the sender. UK only. commercialInvoice
ConsigneeVatNumberxs:string No* maxLength:20 Defines the commercial invoice consignee VAT number.
*For UK: This field is always mandatory. For a B2C shipment, fill in the sender VAT number, since B2C receivers don’t have a VAT number.
Commercial Invoice Consignee & Consignor SectionsField Data Type Mandatory Range Description name1 xs:string Yes maxLength:35 Name of address owner. name2 xs:string No maxLength:35 Name2 of address owner. street xs:string Yes maxLength:35 Street of address owner. houseNo xs:string No maxLength:8 House number of address owner. street2 xs:string No maxLength:35 Street2 of address owner. Can be used to specify building, apartment or door. country xs:string Yes length:2 Country of address owner in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. zipCode xs:string Yes maxLength:9 Zip code of address owner. Without spaces or dashes. city xs:string Yes maxLength:35 City/town of address owner. phone xs:string No* maxLength:30 Phone number of address owner. No required data format.
*Either phone or email is mandatory.email xs:string No* maxLength:50 Email address of address owner.
*Either phone or email is mandatory.comment xs:string No maxLength:70 Comment on address owner. eoriNumber xs:string No* maxLength:20 *If sender or receiver is a business, then either EORI or vatNumber is mandatory.
For UK: The receiver EORI number field is always mandatory. For a B2C shipment, fill in the sender EORI number, since B2C receivers don’t have an EORI number.vatNumber xs:string No* maxLength:20 *If sender or receiver is a business, then either EORI or vatNumber is mandatory.
For UK: The receiver VAT field is always mandatory. For a B2C shipment, fill in the sender VAT number, since B2C receivers don’t have a VAT number.
Commercial Invoice Line SectionField Data Type Mandatory Range Description customsTarif xs:string Yes maxLength:8 The customs tarif number (HS code) of the item. receiverCustomsTarif xs:string Yes maxLength:8 The customs tarif number (HS code) of the item. You can repeat what you put in <customsTarif>
.productCode xs:string No maxLength:
255Internal customer product code of the item. content xs:string Yes maxLength:
200Description of the item. grossWeight xs:int Yes maxInclusive:
3150Total weight of this item. If you have multiple items in the request, <grossWeight>
should add up to<weight>
in the<parcels>
section.itemsNumber Yes xs:int maxInclusive:
9999Quantity of the item. amountLine Yes xs:long maxInclusive:
99999999Total value of this item, without decimal separator (e.g. value 12345678 = 123456.78). If you have multiple items in the request, <amountLine>
should add up to<customsAmount>
in the<international>
section.customsOrigin xs:string Yes length:2 Origin country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. invoicePosition xs:string No maxLength:6 The invoice position. -
Masking Address
Within the request, it is possible to add a masking address. This is relevant to display a different sender address on the parcel label, than the original sender’s address.
Add the<senderMaskingAddress>
section between the<sender>
section and the<recipient>
section.Sender Masking Address Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description name1 xs:string Yes maxLength:35 Name of address owner. name2 xs:string No maxLength:35 Name2 of address owner. street xs:string Yes maxLength:35 Street of address owner. houseNo xs:string No maxLength:8 House number of address owner. street2 xs:string No maxLength:35 Street2 of address owner. Can be used to specify building, apartment or door. country xs:string Yes length:2 Country of address owner in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. zipCode xs:string Yes maxLength:9 Zip code of address owner. Without spaces or dashes. city xs:string Yes maxLength:35 City/town of address owner. contact xs:string No maxLength:35 Contact person of address owner. phone xs:string No* maxLength:30 Phone number of address owner. No required data format.
*Either phone or email is mandatory.email xs:string No* maxLength:50 Email address of address owner.
*Either phone or email is mandatory.comment xs:string No maxLength:70 Comment on address owner. -
Multiple Parcels
Within the request, you can add multiple parcels. This can be multiple regular shipping parcels, but also a combination of regular and return parcels.
To add multiple parcels to your request, you can add the
section multiple times to the request. For international shipments, don’t forget to also add the<international>
section to the<parcels>
section, as describe in 13. International Shipments.Note: Multiple parcels is not available for shipments to the UK.
The parameters of the Basic Request can be used. If needed, in combination with the DPD Shop Return service. -
Pickup Orders
With the Pickup Order, you can request a driver to pickup parcels from your pickup address. This is only needed if you do not have a daily pickup arranged.
This is not the way to arrange a pickup at a third party address to ship a parcel back to you or to a custom recipient. For that, go to ’12. Collection Request’.Parameters
Within the<productAndServiceData>
section, change the<orderType>
value to ‘collection request order’.Product & Service Data Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description orderType xs:string Yes pickup information Defines the shipment type.
, the<pickup>
section should be added.Pickup Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description quantity xs:int Yes maxInclusive:
99999Quantity of pickup parcels. date xs:int Yes YYYYMMDD Pickup date for pickup information. day xs:int Yes maxInclusive:6 Pickup day of week for pickup information. Allowed values are 0..6 (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.). fromTime1 xs:int Yes maxInclusive:
2400From time 1 for collection requests. Format is hhmm. toTime1 xs:int Yes maxInclusive:
2400Until time 1 for collection requests. Format is hhmm. fromTime2 xs:int Yes maxInclusive:
2400From time 2 for collection requests. Format is hhmm. toTime2 xs:int Yes maxInclusive:
2400Until time 2 for collection requests. Format is hhmm.
Important (!) You can develop and test this functionality on the stage environment. Do not use this functionality on the live environment before DPD Customer IT validated your test on the stage environment. Pickup orders on the live environment will be executed and you will be invoiced for the costs, regardless of your testing purposes.Other things to take into account:
- The response will not return anything except for an
. - No printable confirmation will be generated.
- A request is definitive and will be charged by invoice if accepted by the API, even if the request has wrong or incomplete data.
- Orders must be entered before 22h00 to be executed the next business day.
- Contact your pickup depot to cancel/modify your pickup request manually.
- The response will not return anything except for an
Predict ensures a message to the receiver of the parcel before delivery. The Predict section can be added to all services.
Within the<productAndServiceData>
section – below<orderType>
-, the<predict>
section should be added.Predict Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description channel xs:int Yes 1
3Defines channel of notification. Possible values are:
1 = Email
2 = Telephone
3 = SMSvalue xs:string Yes maxLength:50 Value for the chosen channel, e.g. the phone number or the email address. No required data format for the phone number. language xs:string Yes length:2 Language of the notification in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. -
When a ShipmentService request is successful, the system will respond with a response including a Base64 string on the
field and a 14 digit parcel number in the<parcelLabelNumber>
field.The Base64 string can be converted into a parcel label. The parcel label number can be used for tracking.
The parameters of the response.
Order Result Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description parcellabelsPDF xs:base64Binary Base64 string Contains parcel label PDF data in bytes. mpsId xs:string maxLength:25 The shipment number for consignment data. If ordertype is pickup information, the shipment number is an internal database id, which is necessary for technical support requests at DPD. parcelLabelNumber xs:string length:14 The parcel label number of the corresponding parcel. dpdReference xs:string The DPD reference for this parcel. -
Response E-Label
When a ShipmentService request for an e-label is successful, the system will respond with a response including a Base64 encoded PNG format on the
field and a 14 digit parcel number in the<parcelLabelNumber>
field.The Base64 encoded PNG format can be converted into an e-label. The parcel label number can be used for tracking.
The parameters of the response.
Order Result Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description parcellabelsPNG_qr xs:base64Binary Base64 encoded PNG format Contains e-label PNG data in bytes. mpsId xs:string maxLength:25 The shipment number for consignment data. parcelLabelNumber xs:string length:14 The parcel label number of the corresponding parcel. -
Late Export (exportOrders)
The late export functionality allows you to keep the data of a shipment in a queue. Normally the data of a shipment is transferred to DPD immediately by creating a label. This data is valid for 28 days. After this period, it is no longer possible to match the data to parcel (number). With the late export functionality data is not transferred immediately by creating a label. The data needs to be manually transferred to DPD.
Important (!) Once the late export functionality has been activated, you will no longer be automatically transferring any data for labels that have been created. All data for each parcel that has been created, will have to be transferred manually before the parcels are collected by DPD.
Data Transfer
Within Shipment Service storeOrders, you create labels like you always do. After that, parcel data can be exported using the Shipment Service exportOrders. After transferring the data to DPD, the data is valid for 28 days. Each parcel number of which the data needs to be transferred needs to be mentioned separately in the request.Parameters
Authentication Section
Field Data Type Mandatory Range Description delisId xs:string Yes minLength:8 maxLength:10 The delis user id for authentication. authToken xs:string Yes minLength:0 maxLength:64 The token for authentication. Field authToken of Login, as a result of Method “getAuth” of LoginService. messageLanguage xs:string Yes length:5 The language for messages.
“nl_NL” for Dutch messages.
“en_US” for English messages.
Export Orders SectionField Data Type Mandatory Range Description parcelLabelNumber xs:string Yes length:14 The parcel label number of the corresponding parcel.