DPD plugin installation guides

Create a DPD eCom account

You can find DPD eCom here: https://customer.dpdconnect.nl/


This guide presumes that you’ve already done the basic configuration of Bol.com.


This guide presumes that you’ve already done the basic configuration of Lightspeed.

Magento 1.x

This manual assumes that you have installed Magento 1.x successfully and are familiar with the basics.


Here you can find the installation/ configuration guide of the Prestashop DPD Connect plugin.

Magento 2

The guide presumes that you have already installed and configure Magento 2


The guide presumes that you have already installed and configured WooCommerce

Prestashop 1.6

This guide presumes that you’ve already installed and configured PrestaShop 1.6


This guide presumes that you’ve already done the basic configuration of Picqer.

DPD Connect eCom

This is the guide for the DPD Connect eCom portal after logging in via https://customer.dpdconnect.nl/ In case you haven’t registered an account yet, you can gain insight into the account creation process by visiting the following resource: https://integrations.dpd.nl/guides/create-a-dpd-ecom-account/.


This guide presumes that you’ve already done the basic configuration of Picqer.


This guide presumes that you’ve already done the basic configuration of Shopify.