API Developer Guidelines
DPD Shipper Webservice API
DPD Shipper Webservice is an API service provided by DPD NL (referred to below as “DPD“). The service is available via the internet and is only available to customers of DPD NL. Credentials are needed to access the service.
Just like any other internet-based application, maintaining its stability in performance is very important. In order to do so, certain key rules must be followed. The following guidelines explain these important rules when using the DPD Shipper Webservice and serve as a quick overview. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will trigger DPD issued warnings and may even result in an application ban. These guidelines do not replace the existing terms of use.
- Live and Stage environments
- Use of different API credentials
- Services and endpoints for SOAP
- Lifetime of service endpoints
- At least TLS 1.2 is required to use API services. Older versions are not supported.
- Generating only one authentication token per day
- Automating the process of calling the login service
- Shipment service API calls must be done in a sequential manner
- The limit for each account is 30 shipment service calls per minute
- Correct address labelling is key for successful delivery
- Retrieving up-to-date DPD Pickup parcelshops in E-commerce Checkouts
- Storing the ID including the full address with each client order
- Terms of use: For on-demand track and trace purposes only
- Valid tracking numbers consist of exactly 14 numeric digits
- The parcel life cycle service cannot be used for bulk requests
- The maximum possible API call limit for each service
- Current specifications, endpoints and URLs
- Each development using the DPD Shipper API service must be validated
- Contacting the DPD Customer IT team for further information
General information
Each application must be able to differentiate between Live and Stage environment
- The Stage environment must be used for development and testing purposes only.
- The Live environment must be used for production purposes only.
Each application implementing the DPD Shipper Webservice must be able to switch between both environments. The environments are distinguished by their base URL:
Stage: https://shipperadmintest.dpd.nl/PublicApi/WSDL/… development and testing Live: https://wsshipper.dpd.nl/soap/WSDL/… production (!)Stage and prod environments use different API credentials.
There is no fixed lifetime for any service endpoint
DPD did not determine a fixed interval or a specific lifetime for any of the services provided by DPD Shipper Webservice. However, due to technical changes, new product developments, bug fixing as well as enhanced performance it is possible that DPD will release a new service endpoint version. DPD reserves the right to phase out older service versions. The end of life of each service will be announced in due time, per service. Adjustments to a new service endpoint version will be mandatory and can result in additional changes and development effort for a user.
Login Service
To protect each account and password, an authentication token must be generated via the login service. This token is used in all following API calls. Each token is valid for one business day CET / CEST and must be cached.
- Calling the login service more than 10 times a day is prohibited.
- Calling the login service in combination with each shipment service, parcel life cycle service or parcelshop finder service is specifically prohibited.
Once the authentication has expired, every DPD Shipper Webservice service will provide a corresponding errorCode:- LOGIN_5 The authentication token is invalid
- LOGIN_6 Your session has expired
If these errorCodes are received by any of the DPD Shipper Webservice services, it is mandatory to make a login service call and cache a new authentication token.
Every token will become invalid 24 hours after it has been generated. A good time to call the login service and generate a new authentication token is 24 hours and a few seconds after the first request was made. The next login service call can take plake 24 hours+ later.
Shipment Service
All shipment service API calls must be done in a sequential manner. Only a single API request at a time is permitted. Only when the service has responded to the initial API call, a new API call can be sent. Sending multiple shipment service calls at the same time is prohibited.
When using more than one IP address, e.g. a load balancing cluster, please ensure no API calls are being sent simultaneously.
Failure to do so can cause an application ban.Generating one shipping label takes on average about 1 second per label. Working in a safe sequential manner, including a buffer of 100% therefore gives a limit of 30 shipping labels per minute or 1,800 per hour. Exceeding this limit may cause a warning and even result in an application ban.
Parcelshopfinder Service
During the checkout an up-to-date list of available DPD Pickup parcelshops must be requested
This service is mandatory for shipments which are being shipped directly to a DPD Pickup parcelshop. The service is designed for e-commerce businesses and must be implemented into the checkout process.
Each API call must at least contain the following details:
• • • • •
address or coordinates limit = 10
availabilityDate in YYYY-MM-DD hideClosed = true
searchCountry = 2 digit ISO code
… <findParcelShops>
<searchCountry>..</searchCountry> </findParcelShops> …
Every response will contain multiple DPD Pickup parcelshops nearby. Each parcelshop is identified via a unique ID, the so-called parcelshop id. Also, the shop address as well as geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) are provided. These coordinates can be used for an additional maps service integration. A maps service integration must take place separately.
The parcelshop ID and address which has been stored with each order must later be used to create the corresponding DPD shipping label. You must save the DPD parcelshop data which has been accessed only for the length of time required for the processing of the order and not connect such data with the data of other shipments.
As a prerequisite for the use of the DPD Shipper Webservice, you are not allowed to create any automated queries using programs, scripts, robots or similar tools or to build or use any tool aimed at extracting or collecting large volumes of data.
Parcellifecycle Service
This service is designed for real-time tracking applications which need on-demand track and trace information. Each tracking request must be executed by a real user, a customer or a customer service employee. The service will provide the current tracking status of each parcel requested.
A valid tracking number exists of exactly 14 numeric digits. The parcellifecycle service must not be used for mass processing or bulk requests in any way.
As a prerequisite for the use of the DPD Shipper Webservice, you are not allowed to create any automated queries using programs, scripts, robots or similar tools or to build or use any tool aimed at extracting or collecting large volumes of data.
In need of more detailed tracking information? Want to keep track of your entire shipping volume?
Our EDI file exchange is your best option for mass tracking, including a high level of transparency with all available track and trace details. For more information, please contact us and we will provide you with the documentation of STATUSDATA.
API call limit / Additional information
The maximum possible API call limit for each service is:
per minute per hour per day (standard) per day (extended) Login service – – max. 10 max. 10 Shipment service 30 1,800 max. 8,000 max. 15,000 Parcelshop finder service 20 800 max. 2,000 max. 4,000 Parcel life cycle service 60 2,000 max. 12,000 max. 20,000 End of Day service N/A N/A max. 10 max. 10 These limits must be adhered to, failing to do so can cause a ban from the system.
Rate limiting will apply to all services and environments. An excess in number of calls will result in a temporary suspension (error 429 – Too many requests). This limitation is implemented at account and IP level.
Each development using the DPD Shipper Webservice service must be validated and approved by DPD. This validation is mandatory to get started with the DPD Shipper Webservice service.
In order to gain access to the production environment, the correct handling, the implemented services themselves as well as products must first be tested and validated.
Contacting the DPD Customer IT team for further information
A team of specialists will assist your API integration to ensure an easy, flawless and quick start of your project.
Important legal notice when using the Shipper API stage environment:
Shipment data submitted on the stage environment (storeOrders endpoint at https://shipperadmintest.dpd.nl/PublicAPI/WSDL/ShipmentServiceV33.wsdl) is prone to GDPR, Data and Security regulations. We are storing your requests for a reasonable amount of time to perform metrics and analysis. The environment is also used for internal testing and training purposes and thus has a privacy sensitivity factor. You are responsible for anonymising your requests in case your data is privacy sensitive or if you have certain agreements with third parties that enforce you to this level of privacy.
Please (manually) alter sender/receiver names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and other references to a non-recognisable form in your requests to guarantee anonymity (by ex. “Test Sender”, “Stage Recipient”, “+31612345678”, “onlineorder123@gmail.com”)