Frequently Asked Questions & Solutions

  1. I forgot my password

    If you are unable to recover or remember your password, please follow these steps:

    1. Click ‘Forgotten password?’ below the login button
    2. Enter your Login name. Typically, this will either be admin@YOURDELISID or name@YOURDELISID, with Delis ID being the IT username also known as unique identifier for reporting tools. Click ‘Request Password Change’

    3. A recovery email will be sent to the account owner e-mail address (upon onboarding by DPD) in case of the admin user. In case of a created user, it will be sent to the e-mail address specified.

    Note: If you cannot remember your username or if you do not have access anymore to the linked e-mail address, please contact your DPD Sales representative.

  2. I can't find a shipment in the history

    Solution: Make sure you have no filter active. Uncheck the boxes in the filter bar and clear the search field:

    If you still don’t see them, go to the ‘Parcels Grid’ button and remove all filters by clicking the red X button:


  3. I can't find collection requests in the history

    Solution: Make sure you have no filter active. Uncheck the boxes in the filter bar and clear the search field. Also make sure you’re in the proper listing view (Shipment List and not Parcels grid) which you can change with the button on top:


  4. I'm unable to save and print my shipments

    Solution: Make sure you properly filled out every mandatory field with valid details. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*) and are colored light red. These fields are always mandatory:

    – Name
    – Street
    – Country
    – ZIP-code
    – City
    – Product
    – Weight of the parcel

    If you have filled all the fields in but you still can’t save, please verify that:

    – Your ZIP-code is correct and exists for that country.  Verify this on  (login required)
    – Name and Street field can’t be longer than 35 characters each.
    – Make sure the Product you chose is allowed to the destination you wish to send to. Verify this with DPD Customer Service

  5. I see an error: No free parcelnumber in labelrange

    Solution: Due to higher than expected use of your available labels, your range ran out before it could be re-used.

    Contact your sales department and request a new labelrange. They will asap provide you with a new and larger range to allow shipping again.

  6. I see an error: Routing not possible

    Solution: The combination of type of service and destination is not possible

    Choose a different service and retry (by example by using DPD Business instead of DPD Express).

  7. EU zones requiring customs information

    Solution: Some EU areas are excluded from union VAT and customs and require data entry as if they would be outside of EU

    More info:

  8. How do I track my Shipments in an overview?

    Solution: Please go to the DPD Insights website and select DPD Quality – Delivery

    Ask your sales representative for login credentials if you don’ t have them.

  9. Useful links

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